May 5, 2011

Hit pause for a while

I need to hit the pause-button for a while. There is simply too much going on right now in my busy life. You would think that getting married results in spending more time with the new hubby, but quite the contrary has been happening. I barely have time for D. because I am too busy with work and managing the household. Subconsciously, knowing that he's around and that I'll see him during dinners and breakfasts and in between, there is less need to "schedule" together-time than there was before we got married and moved in together. I used to have time to go to pilates, where has that gone? I would sit in a coffeeshop on weekends, read a book or write... There seems to be so little time and yet so much to do these days. So it's time to take a break, step back and re-evaluate the situation and regain a healthy work-life balance. Do I work to live or live to work?

May 1, 2011

30 days of lists - Weekly rituals

I am a creature of habit. I disfunction in situation of disorder and chaos and thrive when life is at its most organize. I'm French-Filipina, but with a defined German obsession for structure, which, considering I joined the "30 days of lists"-challenge, shouldn't come as too much of a surprise. I don't respond too well to change in my daily life. Why fix something that isn't broken? Change is something I keep in my love for travel. That's where I can be more adventurous, more spontaneous, albeit in a structured way - all my trips are rather well planned I would say.

Going back to the list I am supposed to write today... Weekly rituals:
  • Prepare weekly menu
  • Do groceries based on above
  • Sunday lunch at the in-laws
  • Massage on Sunday afternoon
  • Call my parents afterwards
  • Updating household accountancy
  • Watch TV: I'm addicted to one or two series at a time and diligently watch them!
  • Manicure
  • Touch base with best friends
  • Check favorite blogs
This is what I can think of right now. For some reasons, all rituals that came to my mind were on a daily basis... I seem to be more OCD than I thought I was...


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